Saturday, January 01, 2005

What to expect from this point on...

This will be the spot where "we" at Rusted Sun Films, can openly and honestly share our outlooks and opinions with those who might give a crap. Well, to be honest, it will mostly consist of my (Bevan's) personal rants. Most of this stuff just gets stuck in my head during the day's frustrations... but there are times where I actually have a point. The 2005 Diary Entries for Rusted Sun Films can be found here. Seeing as how I've already written some... we'll just post them here for all of your reading pleasure. The dates most likely won't match up, but hey... I'm not perfect and I still don't know how to edit this damn thing that well. This is day one. Cut me some slack. Man, I've got to cut out the caffeine.


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