Tuesday, January 11, 2005

something broken, nothing new

I spent a fair amount of time working on the "H-film" script. For those of you that know what the "H" stands for, then you're in the inner circle of this little film club. For all of you others out there that don't know about the "H", I'm sure you will in good time. Okay, it's a heist film. I'm working on a heist film. I've also realized that as long as the characters and dialogue is good, people really don't care what you're stealing... or necessarily why. Sure, it will make a better story if you've got something believable. People also like the unbelievable. That's what once made movies great. However, I'm not looking to blow everything up on screen. Finding creative ways to get things done is more challenging and usually better than the Hollywood special effects. Second to that, we can do a lot of stuff in post... as long as we think ahead of time and get what we will need. That's where becoming a good director comes into play-- but we're not there yet. Hell, I'm barely past page 10 of a quick dialogue, witty script. I've got a long way to go.
I think that we're supposed to have a "Rusted Sun Films Meeting" tonight. It should fair to be interesting. It's not the first of the year meeting that I think we will need... but we've still got some time.
I've also got to get back to work (the day job). The bills don't pay themselves.


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