Just When You Think No One Is Paying Attention: Entry 105
It always happens when you least expect it. With my little internet portal connected to various local filmmakers and affiliates, there are (I only assume here...) a few people that stop by, cop-a-squat, and read this diatribe from time to time. Apparently, in an fit of "local nobody frustration" and "DVD post-post production hell", I mentioned something that actually sparked the fire behind a comment or two. Amazing. I'm not even using my charismatic sarcastic charm here normally reserved for those asinine postings about apologies to Martin Scorsese. I'm actually shocked that someone left a meaningful and pointed comment.
The details are about Indie Memphis, our favorite local film festival. I (perhaps prematurely - as noted) made mention about the possibility of exclusion from the local film festival, and how some relationships seem to reach around the normal gauntlet of film festival acceptance procedures for a sure thing screening.
(To read the short blurb and responses click here):
If I offended anyone, I apologize. The comments were not meant to be hurtful... just an observation that had sparked comment from several local filmmakers in Memphis, as it has been a point of desired clarity over the years. It should also be noted that Indie Memphis is not the only local film festival that takes a previously screened local movie into that area of consideration/thanks-for-playing. We all want our babies to be seen... and we all have to play by the rules. That's the way the festival game is played.
A COWBOY'S SILVER LINING, was the first film to sell out a screening at Indie Memphis in it's then 7 year run. It was a thrill. I think that everyone involved in that cinematic adventure was tingling with excitement having viewed the long-stretched line that turned the corner. I am proud to have been involved in that. I felt bad for the people that had to be turned away. I think that there are still some people that haven't seen the film because of the screening being sold out that night (not to say that they didn't have ample opportunity further down the road).
ACT ONE, another local film, pulled off a sold out screening last year and went home as the festival's sweethearts. They made a great film. I'm also proud of them and have made great relationships with those filmmakers.
You can sell out seats at a film festival. Being local certainly helps. Like anything involved with film - be it financing, hiring actors, garnering locations, borrowing equipment, marketing, or pushing the screeners out to festivals - there is an amazing amount of politics involved. Politics require relationships. Although as "politicians" we may not see eye-to-eye on every occasion, there are times where we need each other's vote to get something done. I've seen it happen. Local government is one of the most draining and frustrating things I've had to cover in my 10 years of local news. There are times where I wish I could have stolen those precious hours of my life back... but I digress.
Truthfully, (and again I may be speaking/writing out of turn here), I don't think that DIVINE MANIPULATION OF THE THREADS made the cut this year. We should know sometime in September. After sending out the screener, I realized that the DVD copy I mailed off for consideration had trailers and sponsor cards attached to the front end of the disc. Knowing what little I do about the pre-screening festival process... that would have been an instant eject from the player. So, in a rush to make a limited deadline, I probably screwed that one up.
It's not the end of the world.
Our DVD is still being mastered, by the master Trai Forrester - himself. I do know that when all is said and done with this DVD debacle, we will have paid out more than a fair share of money and will have a DVD that will definitely work. However, at this point it's still a waiting game to see when we'll get all of the discs back. Fun huh? Welcome to my personal hell.
Look, for all of you that actually give a crap... sorry if things written were taken personally. Filmmakers vent. Normally people don't pay them any attention. If we end up being involved in the festival, fantastic. I know a hell of a lot of people that will come out and see the film... a lot of them still want copies of the movie, yes... I know... I'm trying. If we're not in the run of things... I guess we'll have to work on our relationships.
On the other hand, we're still in the running for all of the 2007 feature festivals (with a few exceptions). I guess not getting the damn things finished until Feb. of 2006 helped us out. Man, that was a long time ago. And to think, we've got to figure out a goodbye party before too long.