RSF(WEST) Update #8: Return of Sanity
First, the big news. DIVINE MANIPULATION OF THE THREADS, has been accepted to another Film Festival. This time we're in Corvallis, Oregon for the da Vinci Days Film Festival. We entered the film in their comedy division. Now, for me it's about a 9 hour drive. Christine and I took the 13 hour drive up to Ashford, Washington to the Rainier Film Festival a few weeks back. It was a very short whirlwind weekend trip. We didn't win anything, the lodging was taken care of (thankfully), the festival was in it's inaugural year and has quite a load of potential, but I did end up being quoted on the festival's front page: Cool, huh? I guess I'm all famous and shit now...
...Back to the point.
After some of the lag and woes of beating my brain against film festival letters stating that we're not showing in their festival, another one came through the mail with a positive. I was very excited and for the short amount of time that it will last (until I get another rejection), I will have some faith in the festival circuit. At least, people will get to see the film and that is what counts. We want people to see the film. Of course, distribution would be nice... and that is yet another avenue for more people to see the film. Perhaps distribution and somewhat of a media push.
I'll be having a conversation with someone about just that in the next coming weeks. It's a reputable company that seems to have some interest in the film (hopefully, they'll still have some when we hold the conversation).
I've updated the OFFICIAL RUSTED SUN FILMS website this weekend.
and there are all sorts of news updates and new toys to pa ruse through during your workday doldrums.
Here is also a new toy for those of you that absolutely hate me:
Link: PlayMyGame
Link: PlayMyGame
It's a fun little thing I found through . And the only reason I know what the hell that is, is simply because I spent all of Memorial Day weekend editing a piece for Yahoo! Yeah, this production house I've been working for in San Francisco has a lot of Silicon Valley clients. I'm learning all about "the tech" and I now know the meaning behind "I'm about to hackabitch." Blame Beck for that one... yes... the same Beck with the puppet show and bear costumes.
With that, I'll leave you... returning to more work for the week. However, there is one question I have. Ashton Kutcher... what the fuck is that on your head?