Tuesday, March 08, 2005

back and to the left... back... and to the left...

Boy, when it rains it pours. We didn't get into FirstGlance Philadelphia. It's not looking real good for RiverRun in Winston-Salem or ReelFrontier in Tuscon. There have been some films already announced for both of those festivals but I haven't heard from either of them. The only other festival that's still out there is Boston International Independent Film Festival and Atlanta. Atlanta, obviously, is a long shot.
And, with that said, I've come to a point in my script that I have to pull all of the loose pieces together and make sense of the ending. I'm seriously struggling with that. The nice kick in the balls I've been getting from these rejection letters isn't helping that much either.
I also have to work a double today (because I'm on call)... then tomorrow will be a long day in Nashvegas (which would have been a nice city to go to for a film festival).
Even though we didn't win anything in Wilmington, at least we had a showing... I think... Hell, the movie could have frozen up in the middle of screening and I'd never know.
I'm willing to send the film out to just a few more festivals before I say "The hell with it." In the meantime, I've got to figure out an interesting way to solve this script problem. Yeah, good luck with that...


Blogger Kait Nolan said...

I suppose this isn't the time to mention the fact that lost of famous authors got hundreds of rejection letters before getting published?

9:43 AM  
Blogger Kait Nolan said...

Keep on trying...

9:43 AM  

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