Tuesday, July 12, 2005

back from the west

I just flew in from the west coast and boy are my arms tired... mainly because I wanted to strangle all of the dumb som'bitches that now inhabit airports. Perhaps I'm flying more often and becoming a little more familiar with the services now rendered by these flying Greyhound buses but I'm beginning to believe that if you don't have a shirt with sleeves you shouldn't be able to get on an airplane. If you can't buy a seat or a muzzle for a screaming child under the age of 10, leave the kid at home, or give him a valium and keep the kid sedated for somewhere around the 4 hours that it takes to get from one hop to another. If you can't follow the rules of security be prepared to be stopped and don't bitch about it. The London bombings just happened, how the hell do you think that the airports are going to react... but I shall leave those rants for another day all together. Now that I've gotten that out of my system lets share a little bit of fun.

Tucson was a good time. San Fran was a blast (aside from that nasty little bit with having the car towed... but I'll leave that for the narrative memoir that will hopefully one day get me out of debt). We spent some time at the beach, we took a lot of pictures, and had a lot of memorable moments with a few very good friends. I feel quite lucky to know such entertaining people. It's good stuff. Amazingly enough, Christine actually took some decent photos of me this time around... I kind of miss it already.

San Francisco is the kind of town that makes you work hard for your money... and the price of living is expensive. If one could be individually wealthy and enjoy living in the tiny digs that the city normally has to offer... I could see it as being amazingly enjoyable. The key things are having a garage or taking public transportation or walking the length of the city (because there is virtually no where to park)-- having a washer and dryer in your building or apartment is a luxury-- never keep change in your pockets because the bums can smell it-- get used to eating on the cheap-- make sure you have a good jacket and a backpack-- invest in an iPod-- having a dog at the beach may be one of the single best things in the world. I love the city but I'm not sure if I would want to work in the city. It seems like having to actually work there would be an immense pain in the ass. But on the other hand, there are a lot of freelancers out there that kind of get to work when they want to. I would certainly suggest finding a job with some kind of security. Owning real estate is probably the best bet...
I'll write more about it as I become more wanton to return. There's nothing like spending time at the beach, a good cafe, a bottle of wine in the park, mistakenly buying a large chunk of butter instead of a chunk of cheese (it's basically the same thing)... just sitting back and enjoying life. I even came up with some great T-shirt ideas while out there... maybe I can just sell t-shirts in Chinatown.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bevan this is Brett Lynn. I just wanted to let you know that I ordered your movie a month or so ago, and just wanted to make sure you got the order. You can email me at brett.spencer@usd264.com. Thanks! I hope all is well!

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like Christine is smoking an oversized cigarette in that photo.

12:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just wait til you have kids of your own. the parents on the plane were probably mortified and did what they could. have a heart!

nice pix, by the way.

2:44 PM  

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